Good relations?

Writing engaging, relevant content is fundamental to a successful campaign, but all of your efforts to write it could be in vain if you don’t have good media relations to back it up.

Of course you can post content directly to your website, but the vast majority of potential customers will be looking to trade media for their information in the first instance, and this is where you require a good, consistent presence.

Knowing your audience and where they consume their content is key, as only then can you hope to build an effective media landscape - or hit list if you will. Once you have this, it is then vital to build a working relationship with the various contacts within those outlets - editors, sub-editors, sales people, even the publisher - to ensure your content has a place within their communications.

From scratch, this can be difficult to achieve quickly, and that is where a company with established connections within your target markets can prove invaluable. Why build those relationships when you can leverage existing ones?

On the flip side, there will of course be times when these relationships do need to be developed from a blank canvas, but in those instances it is also possible to leave the hard work to the professionals. Dealing with the media is what they do after all.

Regardless, you need to have a solid relationship with the people running the platforms you hope to leverage, and you need to have good content to help them to create engagement. Here, a media relations expert with a solid content creation team behind them can really add a great deal of value.

So ask yourself a few questions. Do you need a rethink in terms of who is seeing your content? Are you publishing information that is only being read by your competitors - as opposed to potential customers? Do you need help to be more effective in this area?

Talk to us today about the right way to develop a media landscape, and how best to serve it in a mutually beneficial way that gets results.

Email, or call 0207 205 4779.


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