Getting your branding ducks in a row

So you’ve worked hard to create a fresh, differentiated messaging and positioning platform for your business, and now it’s time to ensure it is handled with the respect it deserves across all platforms you hope to utilise to reach you audience.

There is a level of frustration that occurs that is hard to put into words when a brand is inconsistent, therefore to have very clear guidelines in place is essential to make sure everyone is following the rules.

Your assets guide can cover everything from colour palette and avatars to typography and merchandising, and should be completely unambiguous.

Think hard about how you want to present your brand to the world, commit it to paper (or Mac screen more likely), and educate your people on exactly how it should be applied.

For examples of this approach and to discuss how this could help your brand, contact us today at


Good relations?


Do you have a disconnect between sales and marketing?